We look forward to 2023 but first we give thanks to God for this last year. We are delighted that people have returned to our Sunday meetings post pandemic.

There is such great value in meeting together to worship, fellowship and hear God’s word. While we meet physically on Sunday we have continued with a hybrid strategy of zoom and in person meetings midweek. It would be a shame not to continue to use the technology that served us so well in the covid lockdown and it enables us to help people connect in one way or another. We have been pleased to create new physical home groups but also a zoom home group. Alison and I host the zoom group and it seems to work well. Technology is amazing. Nick and Bev have been able to join in while living out in Benidorm for a while. Anyone can join in even if only occasionally say if you have to be away or find coming out on cold, dark winter nights difficult.

So in order to help people connect in some way, we now have evening home groups, afternoon home groups and the evening zoom group. It has also been really encouraging to see so many people on the zoom prayer meeting every Monday evening as we continue to pray for peace in Ukraine. We are grateful that God has answered prayer and that the Church is moving forward.

A big welcome to those who have joined us in this past year. So pleased to see so many people are in good heart and building relationships together. Our giving has improved and so our finances are stable.

Thank you also for your giving to charities such as: Tearfund through your support of the Big Quiz (Well done John W) Pathways by bringing your tiddler coins for the trail Hope House by your message donations Foodbanks with donations going to Chesterfield, Alfreton & Hope all through the year. Over 50 shoeboxes were packed for Samaritan’s Purse which will most likely be sent to Ukraine and the surrounding countries as Christmas presents for children who have been through so much this year. In addition donations were given to families in need at Hasland Primary School.

Well done to our team who have regularly supported to Ukrainian social gathering on Saturdays. They have served hot drinks, provided food for lunch & live music, helped with sorting the donated clothes and befriended both Ukrainians and their host families. What a credit you are to us as a church. Last Sunday £140 was given in response to a request from the Ukrainian ladies to be able to send warm clothes to their men on the front line.

The Cosy Hub has continued to be an outpost of the Kingdom of God into the Grangewood area offering activities like Cosy Cubs, choir, crafts and exercise along with a warm, safe environment. Well done to the Alfreton Singing Café team successfully providing a safe environment and a cheery sing-a-long for those in need and supporting carers.

Street Pastors and School Pastors continue to operate, doing a great job on the streets and in school under the oversight of Jacky. I’m sure she would be delighted if anyone wanted to join the teams. (new round of training begins in January)

We look forward to 2023 with a sense of expectation and anticipation. There isn’t a day that goes past when some politician or another is talking about ‘growing the economy’. Our aim for the church in 2023 is GROWTH, GROWTH, GROWTH! We would like to continue to grow relationships, connecting people and uniting them in fellowship. It would be great to see some more social activity including the return of the seaside trips.

We would like to continue to grow spiritually, encouraging people in their individual walk with God and to have a love for Jesus and close relationship with him that sustains in good times and bad. We would like to grow numerically, seeing people born again and added to the church through events like the summer BBQ and Alpha but even more so through personal evangelism. We pray that, once again, we will have the pioneer spirit.

So, for next year can I ask you to hold this in your heart and make every effort to:

 build relationships, build the church

 reach out, speak to people about Jesus, invite them to Sunday meetings and other events.

 Serve in any way that you can

 Above all, strengthen you relationship with Jesus.

Finally, thank you for all your love and support. It is so appreciated and makes our all work a joy.

Remember our goal: GROWTH, GROWTH, GROWTH!

May God’s blessing and grace be towards that goal. It just leaves me with one more thing to say. Have a great Christmas and be so blessed this next year. I pray that you will prosper in every way and be assured of our love and support at all times.

Love from Dave & Alison


