A parent with more hope in the University of Life than 

in himself as a father

Rubio is 12 years old and in year 6 at The University of Life. He’s been with us for two years and recently did well in a photography course ran by Flavio, (a former student, who now produces UNiViDA’s promo videos).
Rubio’s mother is a drug user and his father, like so many in the favela, is trapped in a situation where he is selling drugs to feed his habit.
Rubio says that when he’s at The University of Life he forgets the horrible things outside and feels that here, something good might happen in his life. He hopes that everything in his life will change into the good feelings he has when he is at the project.

People believe in me here, they trust me and take a chance on me.” Rubio wants to be a vet and openly admits to us and his father that he doesn’t want to be like him.
We recently had a chance to talk to Rubio’s dad and we asked him why he registered his son at the project. He responded
The University of Life is bringing life to my son. I don’t want him to pay for my errors, so I am putting this great hope in him.”
The teacher then asked, “What hope is this?”  and the father replied, “The University of Life, a place of hope and dreams.”
It is tragic that Rubio’s father has more faith in the project than in himself as a father. On the other hand, we are astonished that the project can reach into the lives of people like Rubio’s parents, some of the most troubled families in Brazil.
Sadly, there are no public welfare services for children like Rubio whose family situation puts him at high risk. It’s our hope that that Rubio’s father will come to understand the danger he is putting his son it because of his activities and that both his parents will be able to leave behind their drug related life-style.
The University of Life works hard to teach parents about their responsibility for their child’s education and welfare.
Our prayer is that Rubio will succeed, not just in his own life but as the hope and reason that his parents stop their destructive life-style and seek the help they need before it it’s too late.

