Isn't it just like a man to change his mind at the last minute!  To be fair, the message Dave had planned for this week was relegated to 'coming soon' as God made it grow into something else.  If you missed it, here are a few of my notes...

Who said: I've had enough! (1 Kings 19)
No one is bothered about me.  They don't care! (2 Timothy 4)
If God is really is with us, why has all this happened to us? (Judges 6)

No matter what circumstances brought us there we have all shared these feelings at some time.  We need to do what each of these people did and draw on the refreshing and revitalising power of God.

If we have lost our "va va voom", God can REVITALISE
If our vision has grown old, God can RENEW
If we feel stale, God can REFRESH
If we started well but have ground to a halt, God can RESTART
If our batteries are flat, God can RE-ENERGISE
If our strength is sapped, then God can RE-INVIGORATE
If we lack vitality, God can REVITALISE
If our lives seem to have lost shape, God can REFORM
If we feel lost, God will help us to REDISCOVER

In 1 Kings 19 Elijah seeks refuge under the shade of a broom tree because he is so weary of life that he wants to die.  The broom is seen as a symbol of invigoration.  It can survive all kinds of harsh conditions in the desert and provides shelter for others.

In that place God provided food to nourish Elijah's physical body, he gave assurance that the problem was being dealt with to renew his thinking and finally God reveals himself to Elijah in a new way to fire up his spirit. The process began with Elijah sharing with God how he felt and then listening and receiving from God.

It is God who does the refreshing but sometimes he will use us in the process.  Paul speaks very highly of Philemon:

Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people.  Philemon 1:7

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.  Proverbs 11:25

Be a refresher of God's people and see how God will refresh and revitalise you too!


