New Life Church

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It's good news from the government in regards to the lock down.  Let's enjoy our new found freedom.  How wonderful it is to be able to fellowship with 5 other people in your garden or in the park.  Soon it will be possible for 2 households to meet in your home.  To have more contact with friends and family is good news indeed.

Unfortunately, I think some people are feeling that it is all over and they are ignoring the restrictions as we saw on Bournemouth beach yesterday.  The sad thing is that a few of those people will have contracted the virus and will pass it on - madness.

I don't want to be characterised as Frazer from Dad's Army saying "You're all doomed!" but I do 

want us to continue to be diligent.  The excess death rate has now gone past 65,000.  We

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still very close to 1,000 new infections each day ( more than France and Germany combined) and we have a daily average death rate of 120.

You will have heard that up to 30 people can now meet in a building together.  I think this is more for the benefit of weddings rather than us as a church.  So, how do we respond to the new rules.  First of all we need to realise that the government has to base decisions on both public health and on the economy.  We don't.  The only criteria is to keep people safe so we don't have to jump in and reopen physical gatherings just because we can.

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Secondly, the new rules at this present time produce little benefit to us.  As only 30 people can meet we would have to have multiple venues and multiple meetings.  Once at the meetings we could not have refreshments, no hugging or shaking hands, we can't sing or shout (preach loudly) as both spread the virus and we must sit at least 1 metre apart.  Just about everything we enjoy doing when we come together is still banned!

Finally, our desire has always been to keep the unity of the church.  That's why we have kept set times on Wednesdays and Sundays for teaching so we can still do things together.  If we began meeting together those who are shielded among us would not be able to be with us at the moment and many wouldn't want to take the risk.  Our desire is, if at all possible, that we move forward together.

One leader of a church, hearing the new rules, was stunned and sought advice.  It goes to show that these decisions are not easy.  However, myself, Martyn & Peter all agree that wisdom would be to wait and watch what happens.  If further changes take place, who knows but for now we will stick to our aim to begin meetings in September if possible.

On a brighter note, I am hoping there might be a further unlocking of what we can do outside

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so we can put on a programme of picnics and socials in gardens or in the park over the summer.

Stay safe - every morning we are a day nearer to the date when we can all be together again.

Lots of love
