New Life Church

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This ladies event is coming to Sheffield on Tuesday 16th October 7.30pm - 10pm at Network Church, Gilpin Street, Sheffield S6 3BL.  Book your ticket before August 21st and you get the early bird rate of just £4 (as opposed to £7 on the night).  Book your tickets direct on  or let me know and I will get them for you.
Watch the video for more information:
WHAT DOES FREEDOM REALLY LOOK LIKE? We try and maintain the momentum, but life keeps adding yet more challenges! With home and family pressures, workplace challenges, health and relationships – it’s difficult to know what’s worth keeping up and what to let go. But as Christian women our identity lies not in the season of our lives, nor in our roles and responsibilities – but in Christ.
We’re delighted to be going on tour again in partnership with Spring Harvest. Join us as we unpack more about what freedom really looks like.

The Speakers.

Cathy Madavan is a popular speaker, presenter and writer. She is part of the leadership team of the Spring Harvest festival and writes regularly for Christian publications. Cathy lives with her husband Mark and they have two teenage girls.
Bekah Legg is Director of Mission at her community church and the editor of Liberti magazine. She is married to Steve and together they parent a blended family of five children.

You will come away with.

The confidence to be who you were designed to be.
Tips on how to impact others right where you are.
A deeper revelation of how loved you are.
An understanding of the power of vulnerability
A fresh perspective of how God sees you.

Is it for you?

This event is perfect for all women at any stage of life whether you are a high-heels or wellies person, a Netflix fanatic or a coffee shop lover. We hope this event will be a huge encouragement to you.