New Life Church

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We are very excited to have been able to book evangelist Andrew Murray to speak at a special whole church meeting on Sunday November 15th in Chesterfield at the Winding Wheel. A few of us had the privilege of hearing him speak recently at the One Event and this clip from the 'Generation Builders' website is a fair description of what we heard...

"Andrew is a preacher and teacher of God’s Word who ministers with a fiery passion and prophetic anointing. Andrew has a burning desire to lift up Jesus Christ and see Him save, heal and deliver. In his meetings many people have been blessed and encouraged as he preaches a message of faith and hope and also stirred and challenged to seek God’s presence and give their all to Him. Along with the preaching of the Gospel, Andrew’s ministry is often accompanied with healings and miracles and times of encountering the Holy Spirit ."

Between now and when he comes to speak to us he is preaching in the USA, Manchester, Buxton, Mexico and of course in his home town, Barnsley. I am sure he will have lots more exciting stories to tell us of the things God has done. 

We are expecting God to do great things here in Chesterfield - could this be the weekend for your miracle?